Employees advised to vaccinate in West Garo Hills
In order to encourage and motivate the staff and beneficiaries of all departments on vaccination for Covid-19 in the district of West Garo Hills, the District Task Force Immunisation (DTFI) held a meeting with all Heads of Department at DRDA Conference Hall, Tura today evening. President, Nokma Council, S G Momin, members of various organisations were among others present at the meeting.
Informing during the meeting, West Garo Hills, Deputy Commissioner Ram Singh said that as per the Order issued by the Personal & A R (A) Department, Government of Meghalaya and Health & Family Welfare Department, Shillong all employees of Government and private offices are advised to get themselves vaccinated at the earliest in order to ensure the health and safety of all employees and therefore, directed all Heads of departments in the district to ensure that their subordinate staff are vaccinated and also to motivate the beneficiaries under their respective departments. He also added that as per the order those who are not willing to vaccinate themselves should submit RT-PCR Test report every ten (10) days to their respective Controlling Authority as safety measure.
Although the district have achieved better percentage in respect of vaccination, still there are few cases of refusal in certain pockets, he said and request everyone to take it seriously since this is the only means to protect our children and elderly from the disease adding that hesitancy will only make the disease stay longer and hamper the normal life of the people. He also seeks the support and cooperation of the President Nokma Council to motivate the Nokmas for vaccination in their respective villages.
Meanwhile during the meeting, the District Immunisation Officer, Tura Dr. Ivonne M Sangma presented the Covid-19 vaccination status in the district and informed that the vaccination drive is going on and is being given in all the hospitals, CHCs, PHCs, special session sites in the district. She also informed that a total number of 1, 31,780 persons have been vaccinated with 1st Dose and 18, 607 with 2nd Dose in the district out of these about 62, 433 persons vaccinated with 1st Dose belongs to 18 plus category while 56, 781 persons belong to 45 plus category. She also mentioned that 4, 579 health care workers have been vaccinated with 1st dose and 3, 616 with 2nd dose while 7, 987 front line workers have been vaccinated with 1st dose and 4,455 with 2nd dose.

Stressing on the importance of vaccination, she said that the vaccine needs at least two or three weeks to develop antibodies and hence it should be taken on time in order to prevent the adverse affects of the disease in due course of time. Stating that regular wearing of mask, hand washing, sanitization, vaccination are the only tools available at present to prevent the disease and added that as per the research done by the health department, conducting vaccination drives in the district during the peak season have helped to decrease the number of positivity rate as well as the number of deaths in the district. However, she also mentioned that many do not come out for testing for fear of being declared positive. She further mentioned that maximum cases have been detected in Tura urban and Rongram Block in West Garo Hills district and that the present positivity rate is 5 percent in the district.
Further, according to the presentation a total of 449 children between 0 to 14 years have been affected with the disease in the 2nd wave with 73 active cases while 375 have been recovered and there is one death. Meanwhile, about 589 persons below 18 years of age have been affected with the disease.

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