Farmers taught on self-production of manures

A day long Capacity building programme on “Production Technology including value addition of Fruits, Tuber and Spice Crops for better income of Farmers” was conducted by the Division of System Research and Engineering, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya at Lumdiengngan village, Ri Bhoi on March 9th, last
The programme was mainly to impart theory as well as practical knowledge to farmers on the Production Techniques of Fruits, Tubers and Spices Crops for high yielding of good quality crops as well as Vermicomposting for self-production of manure from locally available raw materials.
Throughout the training programme, the trainees were keen in learning and adopting these improved practices for commercial production of fruits, tubers and spices crops and also production of their own manure through vermicomposting, which will lead to higher income generation.
Around 55 farmers attended the programme and participated actively especially in the interactive sessions where they put up several questions pertaining to production, protection and value addition of the different agriculture crops.
In the valedictory programme, planting materials of Colocasia var. Megha Taro 2 (250 kg) and Megha Taro 1 (250 kg), Cassava var. Sree Vijaya (5000 cuttings), Knapsack Sprayer (50 nos.), Vermibed (10 nos), Water Can (50 nos.), bio-pesticides such as Beauveria bassiana (5 Litres), Trichoderma viride (5 Litres), Metarhizium anisopliae (5 Litres), Entomopathogenic Nematodes (5 kg) were distributed to all the trainees.

The farmers expressed their gratitude to Dr. S. Hazarika, Principal Scientist and Head, Division of System Research and Engineering and Dr. V.K. Mishra, Director ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam for the programme which have benefited them.
The programme was successfully organized by Dr. H.D. Talang (Scientist), Dr. V.K. Verma (Sr. Scientist), Dr. Vanlalruati (Scientist), Dr. M. Bilashini Devi (Scientist), Dr. H. Rymbai (Scientist), Dr. S.R. Assumi (Scientist) and Dr. S. Hazarika (Principal Scientist & Head).

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