Former militant leader hails Guv’s stand on autonomy of ADCs

SHILLONG: Chairman of the Achik Matgrik Kotok (AMK) and former leader of the disbanded militant outfit ‘Achik National Volunteer Council –Breakaway (ANVC.B)’ Bernard N Marak on hailed the stand of the Governor Tathagata Roy that the autonomous district councils (ADCs) should function without any meddling by the state government.
In a statement issued here on Saturday, Marak said, “The jurisdiction of the state and the ADCs was constitutionally drawn through his (Governor) statement.”
He said ADCs are not political institutions but a tribal institution which was solely constituted to safeguard the interests of the Hill tribals.
“The political influence of the State leaders has been the root cause of weakening the ADCs in Meghalaya especially in Garo Hills,” Marak said.
He alleged some seats in Garo Hills were even made open to accomodate the non tribals which was unconstitutional and against the interest of the tribal people of Garo Hills.
“The statement by the Governor put some light and brought back hope to the people of Garo Hills because Garo Hills was worsely affected by the influence of the political bosses of the state, compared to KHADC and JHADC,” Marak said.
The former militant leader said with a Governor who is not politically influenced is surely going to be a rough ride for the state.
Stating that there was no provision in the Constitution which permitted interferences of the political leaders of the state, he however said in past years, the political leaders affiliated the members of ADCs into their parties and made the ADCs into a dummy institution which could not make independent decisions.
He alleged that the Garo Hills Autonomous District Council (GHADC) under the influence of their political bosses introduced unconstitutional provisions to facilitate their vote banks. In Garo Hills, GHADC changed the Hill Provisions to Non Hill Provisions to introduce Municipalities and to lease pattas against ‘Law of the land’.
“Patta system (under Assam Schedule) was introduced where transfer and settlement of tribal lands to other entities including Government was permitted without acquisition and compensation of land. Supreme Court struck down the Land Transfer Act in 1972 still GHADC exercise transfer and settlement of land unlawfully and unconstitutionally.
This patta system also granted access to the refugees of Bangladesh who today form the quarter of the population and is a big chunk of political setup. Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) and National Register of Citizens (NRC) will identify many illegal settlers in Garo Hills for which I support it. The GHADC also dissolved the Town Committees to introduced the Municipalities violating the Article 243ZC of the Indian Constitution. Other than that GHADC handed over the primary schools, transport, forest, water supply etc under the pressure of the political bosses and Council became a weak institution which cannot pay salary to its own employees,” he said.
Meanwhile, Marak also pointed out that the appointment of a bureaucrat as the Secretary of GHADC is also unconstitutional but the need to streamline the funds and working mechanism compelled all to remain silent.
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