Fresh list of villages under Patharkhmah Civil Sub Division
The Meghalaya Government has come out with a fresh list of villages to be included in Patharkhmah Civil Sub Division in view of the report submitted by the Deputy Commissioner Ri- Bhoi District, Nongpoh that many villages particularly under Mylliem Syiemship notified on 21st November, last are much closer to the Nongpoh in term of administrative convenience.
After due consideration of the same, the Government has ordered that the list of villages notified earlier in a notification for the creation of Patharkhmah Civil Sub-Division stands cancelled.
Consequent upon the cancellation of the said villages, the Government ordered that a list of villages mentioned below will be under the jurisdiction of Patharkhmah Civil Sub-Division with immediate effect till further orders.
Under Nongrim Jirang G. S. Circle: Umsaliang, Nongkyllang, Nongrim Jirang, Gunapati, Mairapur, Umshalani, Jareibasal, Umkremdyngkhong, New Amkrem and Rani Jirang.
Under Ranibari G.S. Circle: Ranibari, Balakhawa, Bilpara, Akhonijira, Halher and New Balakhawa.
Under Bakhlapara G.S. Circle: Bakhlapara, Jimbrigoan, Lyngkhung, Hawla and Patgaon.
Under Rajakhumai G.S.Circle: Rajakhumai, Rajabala, Berrnongsai Nongkhlaw and Berrnongsai Nongspung.
Under Mawdem G.S. Circle: Mawdem Domphlang, Mawdem Kperblang, Mawdem Nongbah, Mawdem Mawshohshrieh and Belahari.
Under Patharkhmah G. S. Circle: Patharkhmah, Umkadhor, Umphung, Umsaw, Barigaon, Nongwah Mawlein and Nongwah Pahamryngkang.
Under Umkynsier G. S. Circle: Mawskeilum, Mawskeithem, Pathardharo, Umjyrha, Umkynsier and Umiapkhla.
Under Warmawsaw G.S.Circle: Warmawsaw, Nongdom Mawpliang, Umsohbar and Umtang.
Under New Jirang G.S. Circle: Wahsynon, Nonglum, Umsohpanan, Umlakro, Iosohksang, Umiong, Umkhawai, Amshyrkow and Centre village.
Under Mynnar Jirang G.S. Circle: Mynnar Jirang, Nongsier, Nongthymmai, Smokoki, Paham Umshru, Umshru, Iomuroh, Sukunijira and Ampatama.
Under Lailad (Tasku) Circle: Tasku Rim, Umlyngkdait, Umpaitlang, Lailad, Nongkynrih, Mawtamur, Mawpnar, Umlanniang and Umsohpai.
Under Umrit Circle: Sohkyrbam Rim, Sohkyrbam Domphlang, Umrit, Umtarsen Umsoh Phria, Umlur, Umtangar and Umtar.
Under Umsong Circle: Nongbirlum, Jalithem, Nongladew, Umsong, Jalilum, Nongbyrthem and Ummar.
Under Pynker Circle: Pynker A, Pynker B, Pynker C, Umsen, Langkaduh, Mawtyngkong, Paham Jula, Pilangku A and Pilangku B.
Under Kynthem Nongmalieh Circle: Jyrnang, Umlathu, Dekapathar, Garo Bhanga Amring, Jalutpaham, Kyntem Nongmalih, Garobhanga Thymmai, Nongtarieh, Garo Bhanga Rim, Ulubari, Damu Paham and Amtarlet.
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