GLOGIFT21: 3-day international conference held at IIM Shillong comes to an end

GLOGIFT21, a three-day international conference, held in IIM Shillong, Umsawli, finally comes to an end.
The inaugural ceremony was held in the hybrid mode and witnessed the presence of esteemed keynote speakers like Prof. Sushil, Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi and the Founder President of GIFT Society, Prof. Sudhir K Jain, Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi and President of GIFT Prof. Mayank Pareek, Professor of Practice from Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, Prof. D.P. Goyal, Director, IIM Shillong and Prof. Neelam Rani, IIM Shillong. Prof. Sofia Johan, Florida Atlantic University, graced the occasion via online mode.
The theme for this year’s conference was ‘Flexibility, Resilience and Sustainability’ and while elaborating on these themes the speakers shared knowledge, experiences and insight on them while qualifying the themes as multi-dimensional.
Prof. Neelam Rani in her welcome address highlighted how after the Covid-19 pandemic, resilience and flexibility were qualities industries all around had to inculcate in order to stay in the race.
“The global pandemic has put resilience on the agenda of every company. The concept of flexibility and adaption has been used in connection with resilience to support experimentation as well as to accommodate changes”, Prof. Rani remarked.
Keeping in mind the key themes of the event IIM Shillong had a virtual launch of the GLOGIFT21 proceedings, which could be accessed via a QR code by all the participants.
The conference was inaugurated on April 21, 2022, Thursday. The conference included 6 technical sessions where participants from all around the world presented their research papers in hybrid mode. A total of 101 research papers were presented during the course of the conference.
The conference also included 3 workshops on research writing, targeting quality journals, publishing ethics, editors’ and publishers’ perspectives to facilitate young research aspirants. Workshop 1 and Workshop 2 being held on the same day, followed by Workshop 3 on April 22 Friday. The topic of Workshop 1, held on April 21, 2022, was ‘Editor’s Perspective on Scholarly Publication’ and the keynote speakers were Prof. Sushil Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, Editor in Chief at Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, Chief Editorial Advisor at International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness, Prof. Kirankumar S. Momaya S. J. Mehta School of Management, IIT Bombay, Editor in Chief at International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness and Prof. Mousumi Bhattacharya, Indian Institute of Management Shillong, Editor in Chief at IIMS Journal of Management Science.
Workshop 2, held on April 21, 2022, had the subject ‘Paper Development Workshop’ with Prof. Kirankumar S. Momaya, S. J. Mehta School of Management, IIT Bombay, Editor in Chief at International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness and Prof. Neelam Rani, Indian Institute of Management Shillong, Associate Editor, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management as key speakers.
The third and the final workshop held on April 22, 2022, had the subject ‘Paper Development Including Publishing Ethics Workshop’ with a special focus on Springer’s SDG with Sagarika Ghosh, Executive Publisher (Journals), Asia Pacific Region, Springer Nature as the key speaker. The speaker addressed the gathering via online mode.
Other keynote speakers for the conference were Prof. S. N. Rangnekar, faculty from Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India, Takao Fujiwara, a senior researcher and a professor emeritus in Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan, Prof. Jose Arturo Garza Reyes is a professor of Operations Management and Head of the Centre for Supply Chain Improvement College of Business, Law and Social Sciences of the University of Derby, UK and Prof. Rakshit Atanu, faculty from Graduate School of Business, Nazarbayev University, Nur Sultan, Kazakhstan.
The Valedictory Ceremony held on April 23, 2022 marked the official closure of the event. The Chief Guests for the event were Prof. Kirankumar S. Momaya, S.J. Mehta School of Management, IIT Bombay, and Prof. Santosh Rangnekar, Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee with Prof. Nageswara Rao Posinasetti, Department of Industrial Technology University of Northern Iowa gracing the occasion as the Guest of Honour.
It may be mentioned here that Prof. Neelam Rani, IIM Shillong and Prof. Sanjita Jaipuria, IIM Shillong were the conveners of the conference.
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