Google classroom tutorials for college students

The North-Eastern Hill University has created a link for Google Classroom tutorials for the University and Colleges.
In the page, University have also mentioned few live and non-live teaching learning tools (not limited to) which can be used as per the college’s choice.
The aforementioned link is at platforms or visit NEHU website: [email protected]
The UGC has suggested several steps like continuing learning through online modes to avoid/minimize the academic loss etc of our students in colleges and Universities at present juncture lockdown.

For “Mental health and well being” also, NEHU had formed a committee. Colleges may also do the same to tackle any issue.
In case of any inquiries please contact Prof. LJ Singh, Dean, SOT and Coordinator, for Academic activities through Online/e-platforms, E-mail ID: [email protected]; [email protected]
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