Govt asks Urban Affairs deptt to speed up blueprint for relocation of Sweepers’ Colony

Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong on Wednesday asked the Urban Affairs department to speed up coming up with the blueprint for relocation of the Sweepers’ Colony from Them Iew Mawlong.
“We have asked the department to go a little faster on the issue and come up with a blueprint of what we can do from the government side within this month,” Tynsong said.
Tynsong informed, “Once that is done we will communicate to them officially and we will invite the HPC once again for discussion.”
He assured that the government wanted to have a reasonable solution for resolving this issue.
Tynsong’s statement came in the wake of opposition from NGOs against the demands of the Harijan Panchayat Committee (HPC) that the government should provide 200 square meters of land to each of the 342 families in the European Ward besides construction of their homes in exchange for the land at Them Iew Mawlong.
Tynsong said demand can be heaven, there is no harm in that.
“You can demand anything but ultimately let us be realistic from both sides. Therefore, I cannot say anything right now on this until unless we prepare all the details and then we will give it to them whether you like it or not whether it is acceptable to you or not but from the government side we will work out responsibly towards a permanent solution on this issue,” he added.
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