Govt committed to clear arrears & salaries of SSA teachers

JOWAI: In response to the legal notice dated 20th February, 2019 served to the State Government by Advocate K. Chisa representing the SSA Teachers for non-payment of 8 months arrears and salaries for the financial year 2016-17 to SSA Teachers in the State of Meghalaya , Ambrose Ch. Marak, State Project Director SEMAM(SSA) on his reply dated 7th March, 2019 stated that the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme fully dependent on grant-in-aid of the Central Government and the State Government.
“There is no denial of the facts that arrears salary of trained and untrained Lower Primary and Upper Primary Teachers of SSA run schools for the period from 1st July 2016 to 28th February 2017 could not be paid due to non receipt of the required funds from the government for payment of the arrears and salaries to SSA teachers” State Project Director stated in his reply.
On the other hand , the office of the State Project Director SEMAM (SSA) has constantly pursued with the Central and the State Government for release of additional funds so as to make payment of arrears and salary but it evolved no result as of date, the reply says.
At the meantime, SPD stated, “There is no negligence on the part of the office rather the office is showing outmost interest to make payment of arrears and salaries as early as possible on receipt of funds”.
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