Govt passed buck to Headmen to follow up persons in self quarantine

Three months after the global outbreak of COVID-19 the Meghalaya Government realized the necessity to take the headmen into confidence to combat the pandemic in the State.
This was evident in a notifcation issued by the Health department on Thursday.
The notification reads,”In view of the pandemic situation arising out of the COVID-19 and the need to ensure the participation of the Headmen/Rangbah Shnong at the locality/village level, a numberof guidelines are issued for them to assist the government.
The Headmen or Rangbah Shnong are the pillars of the society in the locality that they represent.

The Headmen Rangbah Shnong are essentially linked to and duty bound to cooperate and coordinate with the Government in this trying time of pandemic of COVID-19.
They are essentially the leaders who can strengthen, through their leadership, the village, localities and towns the fight against COvID-19
They should ensure people with travel history residing within their localities give their verified addresses and phone mumbers during registration. This data is to be verified and shared with them.
Keep a strict vigil of individuals who recently arrived in the localities/villages, and to ensure that the 14 days home quarantine is strictly observed by these individuals.
As far as practicable the Headmen/Rangbah Shnong should also follow up with the person under Home Quarantine.
The Headmen/Rangbah Shnong is to ensure that no family irrespective of their social and religious background starves during the period of Lockdown. Any family in distress should be brought to the notice of the respective Deputy Commissioners and necessary aids made available.
Headmen to ensure that Social Distancing is maintained in their localities, villages, especially during the buying of essential commodities in the shops
The three non-negotiables i) hand hygiene ii) respiratory etiquette and iii) social distancing should be maintained in every walk of life.
They should ensure to use their locality/village PA system for urgent and necessary announcements, especially IEC on COVID-19.
Headmen/Rangbah Shnong should ensure that there is no stigma attached to any COVID-19 suspect patient or person with travel history while undergoing home quarantine.
Ensure that hygiene etiquette is observed and especially that people should not spit in public.
Inter-house visitations should be disallowed unless for the purpose of providing assistance when required, however maintaining Social Distancing.
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