Govt sets up committee to resolve problems related to Marten

The Seng Samla Mawlai Pyllun (SSMP) has suspended its agitation by allowing garbage trucks to enter the dumping ground at Marten following the assurance given by the Urban Affairs Minister Sniawbhalang Dhar on Thursday
After an inspection to the dumping ground, Dhar assured the SSMP and headmen of various localities in Mawlai to set up a special committee to look into the problems faced by the people due to the dumping ground at Mawlai Mawiong.
He informed that the committee will hold a meeting with all the stakeholders on August 3.
“We will sit and discuss with the SSMP, the headmen and all concerned departments. We will take all suggestions into consideration before any decision is being taken on this matter” Dhar said.

The minister said that the government has already identified few locations for the new landfill adding “the government is in process to finalise the matter at the earliest.”

On the other hand, Dhar also informed the department is taking all necessary steps to reduce the dumping of waste at Marten and promised the SSMP to solve this issue at the earliest.
Meanwhile SSMP president Samuel Biam said that for now they have decided to open the gates of Marten and allow garbage trucks to enter and they are looking forward for the official meeting scheduled to be held on 3 August as promised by minister Dhar.

Photo credit: Batesi TV
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