Govt to set up plants for treating human excretes in Sabah Muswang

Though the Meghalaya Govt is still unable to resolve the disposal of garbages in Jowai “Smart Town” till date as garbage are lying in many parts of the Town but now the Govt is shifting to the management of human excretes to be collected from septic tanks to avoid its flushing directly to River Myntdu.
The Meghalaya Urban Affairs department will set up Septage Waste Treatment Plants in Sabah Muswang under Jowai Assembly Constituency West Jaintia Hills District.
This came to light according to a tender notice floated by the Urban Affairs Department, the department invites bid for construction of Septage waste treatment plant with a capacity of 55 KLD Septage Management in Jowai covering Jowai Municipal area.
The work includes (i) design and build 55 m3/day and all appurtenant structures and allied works complete including testing, Trial run for 3 Months and commissioning of the plant to the satisfaction of the Engineer (period of completion – 12 months); (ii) operation & maintenance of the complete works of septage waste treatment plant and allied works for a period of 3 (three) years at Sabah Muswang, Jowai, West Jaintia Hills, State of Meghalaya, India.
The Invitation for Bid follows the General Procurement Notice for this project that appeared in State Government website
The Government of Meghalaya, under Grant-in-Aid (Creation of Capital Assets) is proposed to have a Septage waste Management system in Sabah Muswang, Jowai for the works detailed below.
Bidders are advised to note the minimum qualification criteria specified in Appendix to the ITB (Instructions to Bidders) in the bidding documents, to qualify for the award of contract. The bidders may submit bids for the following work as per Instructions to Bidders and the Appendix thereto.
The estimated cost put to bid is Rs 2.50 Crores while the bid Security is
Rs 5,00,000/-
A complete set of Bidding documents will be available on the State Government website from 11th April 2022. The bidders who are interested to participate in the bidding process can download the bid documents from the website for their use. The bidders who download the documents shall have to pay along with their bid submission, the non refundable cost of Rs. 3,000/- (Rupees Three Thousand only) in the form of a Demand Draft issued by a nationalized bank / foreign bank listed with the Reserve Bank of India having its branches in Shillong, India, payable to the Director Urban Affairs Shillong payable at Shillong. In this case the bid should be submitted along with required non refundable fees. In absence of this fee, bid will not be accepted
Bidders can also purchase the bid documents commencing from 11th April 2022 on payment of Rs. 3,000/- (Rupees Three thousand only) in the form of a Demand Draft issued by a nationalized bank / foreign bank listed with the Reserve Bank of India having its branches in India, payable to the Director Urban Affairs Shillong payable at Shillong. Bid documents requested by shall be sent through speed post / registered post on payment of an extra amount of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five hundred only). The Director Urban Affairs Shillong will not be held responsible for the postal delay if any, in the delivery of the documents or non-receipt of the same.
A pre-bid meeting will be organized for the interested bidders on the dates and timings as mentioned in the table below.
Date and time of Pre-bid meeting – 18/04/2022 at 14.00 hrs.
The Pre-bid meeting will be held in the office of the Director, Urban Affairs Raitong Building, Secretariat Hills, Shillong-793001. Interested bidders may choose to attend the pre-bid meeting at their own expenses.
Sealed bids must be delivered to the address mentioned above under para 6 before 14.00 hours on or before the dates as mentioned in the table below.
Last date for Bid Submission– 25/04/2022 at 14.00 hrs.
Better late than never. This septage waste management at Sabah muswang is pending almost two decades for now, Let us hope, the plant will be complete as proposed.