GSI workshop on NGDR portal enhances mineral exploration efforts
The Geological Survey of India (GSI) concluded a three-day training workshop on May 13-15 focused on the “Utility of National Geoscience Data Repository Portal (NGDR) and its applications” for stakeholders and user agencies of geoscience data. The workshop was held at the Regional Training Division, GSI, NER, Shillong.
The workshop was inaugurated on May 13 by Dr. SK Kulshreshtha, Deputy Director General & RMH-III, GSI, NER, Shillong in the presence of RL Sarkar, Deputy Director General & RMH-II and Dr. BN. Mahanta, Director, RTD, NER, GSI, Shillong.
Twenty-one trainees from state departments of geology and mining in Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland, central organizations such as NESAC, AMD, CGWB, and MECL, faculty from NEHU, and private exploration agencies attended the workshop. Ms. Pallabi Shome, Senior Geologist from NGDR, GSI, Kolkata, served as the resource person for the training.
During the concluding session, GK Kesari, Additional Director General & HOD, NER, urged all stakeholder organizations to utilize the NGDR portal and actively engage in the mineral exploration process. He also distributed certificates to all participants.
The NGDR is a flagship initiative conceptualized by the Ministry of Mines as part of the National Mineral Exploration Policy (NMEP) 2016, aimed at hosting all exploration-related geoscientific data for dissemination to stakeholders. This initiative is designed to expedite, enhance, and facilitate exploration coverage across the country. The Geological Survey of India has been selected as the nodal agency for implementing NGDR. All legacy data from stakeholders will be digitized and standardized using the Mineral Exploration Reporting Template (MERT) and converted into GIS-compatible formats for the application of emerging technologies like AI and ML.
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