Has the Meghalaya Government failed the people of Meghalaya?

Since the onset of COVID-19 pandemic in China, the State of Meghalaya has three months for preparation of all measures to be taken in the event of the outbreak of COVID-19 in the state.
However, the Meghalaya Government seem to be not fully prepared as it appears that there is no contingency plan for cremation/burial of COVID-19 patient as the Government is presently facing problems for cremating the mortal remain of Dr. John Sailo Ryntathiang the first COVID-19 victim in the State.
Dr. Sailo, the director of the Bethany Hospital, Shillong who was diagnosed as the first COVID-19 patient of the State passed away this morning. Hours after his demise, six of his family members were tested positive for COVID-19 but mystery remains who is the carrier of the dreaded Virus.
The Government intended to cremate the mortal remain of Dr. Sailo in the Electric Crematorium, Jhaluphara failed due to the stiff opposition the local people who defied the curfew and came out in large numbers fearing that the cremation will adversely affect them.

Initially, it was proposed to bury him in the family farm’s house in Nongpoh, Ri Bhoi District but it was opposed by the Dorbar Shnong Nongpoh Proper on ground that the local people are panic, the farm is centrally located and Dr Sailo was not a full fledged resident of Nongpoh.
Notably, Dr. Sailo improved the health sectors in Ri Bhoi District by setting up one Bethany Outreach Hospital in Nongpoh and two Bethany Outreach OPDs in Umsning and Byrnihat and these three health centres have helped numerous people of the district in time of illness and accidents.
The mortal remain of Dr. Sailo was finally laid to rest at the Cemetery of Riatsamthiah Presbyterian Church in Lawmali, Shillong in the wee hour today where Church’s pastors and elders were present and conducted a short prayer service for the eternal peace of Dr. Sailo’s soul.
A number of informed citizens questioned the government whether they has already prepare a contingency plan for burial/cremation of COVID-19 patient in the entire state of Meghalaya.
They said that if the Government is facing so much difficulty to cremate or bury one person what would it do if there is large number of casualty.
They questioned the Government how many corpse bags or leak proof plastic bags were provided to each and every districts of the State for keeping the body of the COVID’s patient.
Whether the Government has issue direction to the District on where to bury or cremate the body and a backup plan in the event of opposition from local people?
They suggested that the Government should direct the Deputy Commissioner to convene a meeting with all religious heads and traditional heads for making necessary arrangement of timely and safe burial or cremation of body of COVID-19 patients.
Many people have raised concern over the issue of home quarantine for persons/students who returned from COVID-19 affected areas and many termed it as silent trap for the rest of the family members. They felt that the Government should have make all the persons/students who returned from COVID-19 affected areas stay in a quarantine centre set where they can be monitor.
Meanwhile, the Members of the Meghalaya People’s Action Against COVID 19 comprising H. S. Shylla, former MLA/MDC, Minister and CEM KHADC, Erwin K Syiem Sutnga Advocate & President Meghalaya People’s Labour Union (MPLU), Shillong, Prof. Don Syiem, Researcher in NEHU, School of Life Sciences, Shillong, Meena Kharkongor, former Chairperson, State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, O. L. Warjri CEO NEDAI, Sainkupar Riahtam former Deputy Director Horticulture, Meghalaya, Laborious Syiem former Syiem of Hima Mylliem and Co Chairman NEDAI and Afreen Begum Advocate sent a letter to the Chief Minister and Health Minister of Meghalaya.
They urged the Government for constitution of an Experts Advisory Committee comprising of Scientist (available Researchers in NEHU, School of Life Sciences, Shillong, specialist in the field of virology, epidemics, cardiology, pulmonary ailments, psychology and psychiatry, economics, sociology, law etc.
The government did not set up no extra testing centres while there was time. This has to be addressed immediately since only testing, testing, testing us what is required given the emerging nature of this virus. Purchase more testing kits and recruit more research students who have experience in real time PCR and knowledge of microbiology/molecular biology /biochemistry/biotechnology
They stated there are no ambulances to transport the suspected cases who had visited Bethany hospital during this active period of contagion since the drivers are reluctant to attend work. They need to be provided with proper PPEs etc.
That containment and treatment is of utmost importance. This has to be established and be properly equipped. All cases to be managed in one establishment. All limited medical resources/facility to be housed in one location/hospital etc, the letter said.
A letter should be written to ICMR requesting whether they can come up with a laboratory in the quickest time possible, in case this situation gets prolonged and we are drawn into a protracted engagement with Covid_19
Use whatever rules of law to manage the developing situation. The crematorium must be managed at least for now by the govt.
“We know that all primary contacts with late Dr. Sailo and his family need to be quarantined and tested on a priority basis.
All contacts with affected person need to trace and should be quarantined in those places which the govt. has already identified. This localization also makes it easy for access to by medical and other staff and also containment to prevent spread.
All secondary contacts should also be traced and put under home quarantined if no symptoms are reported.
All emergency drivers, nurses and other staff must be protected and counseled to know the basic information about the virus biology.
Call out the Army, BSF, paramilitary forces to aid the civilian Authorities to transport all suspected cases to containment/ treatment centres, the said.
Dr Sailo has done so much for the state and people repay him back like this.
A doctor who worked so hard for upliftment of people and saved many a life has no place finally to be laid.
It is really worrying as still there is no cure. I think they should take help from neighbors and try to make a safe zone. Also hire some volunteers
It seems the Meghalaya Government does not have a contingency plan and the SOP to tackle COVID-19 are not properly adhered.
La mih biang ki failed leader kibym lah ai eiei ruh sha ka Jaitbynriew tang ka garam hawa
The Meghalaya Government has done nothing regarding how to combat Covid-19. Our CM & Dy.CM have boasted that the government is well-prepared to tackle this virus. It also seems that the health minister, supposed to be the one to take care of this problem, but didn’t have any idea how to begin with! It’s a pity that our representatives lack behind to take action when necessary.
The government has completely lose grab of the situation and to being least prepared is an understatement. It owed the people of the state full explanation of the current situation and a transparency of its commitment towards everybody.
Meghalaya govt has advised people not to be panic but it seems that they themself were panic
Rightly said and when only 1 case was detected positive, within half an hour 48 hours curfew declared, why?