Hasina Kharbhih bags achievement & excellence in human rights award

SHILLONG: Hasina Kharbhih Ashoka Fellow and Aspen ILI Fellow, Founder and Managing Director of Impulse Social Enterprises and Founder Chair of Board of Impulse NGO Network, received the Honour of “Achievement and Excellence in Human Rights Award”from Brahama Kumari World Headquaters at the Global Summit held in Rajasthan on September 28.
The Summit is a part of their effort to make understand the connection between one’s consciousness, thoughts and actions, and their impact on the world.

“Hasina have inspired men and women with her courage and dynamism and continued efforts and contribution in working for women’s rights issues especially in North East of India, which makes Brahma Kumari World Headquarters conferring this worthy award on ‘Achievement and excellence in Human Rights’“, stated by Brahma Kumaris World Headquarters.
Hasina Kharbhih has been working for past 30 years with the mission to provide sustainablelivelihood in a safe environment for women and children.
What started out as a mission in home state of Meghalaya has today evolved into a global program that aims to put an end to human trafficking and exploitation worldwide. She has won several awards and has been recognized for the positive socio-economic impact that she have made on local societies and indigenous people.

The Global Summit on Spirituality for Unity, Peace and Prosperity was organized by Brahma Kumaris World Headquarters organization and hosted by Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwarya Vishnu Vidyalaya. The Brahma Kumaris is serving the humanity since 1936.
The main objectives of this summit was to inculcate values such as love, acceptance, forgiveness, justice, sharing, purity and respect for all, and to build up a healthy environment where all religions and cultures strives to achieve ‘Unity and University as part of God’s plan for humanity. People from different faiths and cultures across the world also participated in this summit.
The Prajapati Brahma Kumaris International Headquarters is a non-profit spiritual organization established in 1937 and is dedicated to the moral and spiritual upliftment of humanity. Brahma Kumaris was founded by Prajapita Brahma in 1937. The main objectives of this organization are to study of spiritual knowledge, the practice of Rajyoga meditation, assimilation of social and spiritual values and serving society with compassion.

The Global Summit was inaugurated by Dadi Ratanmohini, Rajnath and other dignitaries in 2018. Past year they also facilitated ‘Guardians of Nature’ who are giving their best to save the environment in 2018. This event was organized as, the people of the world, are passing through very “hard times”, many ironies and global crisis have broken the moral backbone of the global society and turned the earth into hellish place. Therefore , the urgent need of the hour is to take effective and ameliorative steps so that the various agencies like Politics, Democracy, Nature and others can work in a true spirit of integration to create unity.
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