Health department flashed out prescription for mild COVID case

In continuation of this Department’s Order No. Health 140/2020/11 dt.30.6.2020 and the advisories laid down in the Home Quarantine Diary, the following additional protocols is issued for management of asymptomatic and mild symptomatic (Category A & B) cases under home quarantine.
A. Instruction for the patient
– Wear mask at all times. Discard mask after 8 hours
– Disinfect used mask with 1% sodium hypochlorite
– Stay in single room
– Take rest and drink lots of fluids
– Maintain hand hygiene
– Don’t share personal items with other people
– Self-monitor daily temperature and report if he/she develops any symptoms
B. Instruction for care givers
– Strict hand hygiene before and after contact with patient’s belongings
– Wear mask at all times. Use gloves while handling items uses by the patient
– Do not touch front portion of mask; i.e. face/nose/mouth
– Change mask if mask get wet or dirty
– Discard the mask after use and perform hygiene after mask disposal
– Maintain a distance of 1 meter with the patient
– Provide food to the patient in his room
– Can wash used utensils with soap/detergent water while wearing gloves
– The care giver and all close contacts with self-monitor their health daily temperature monitoring and report if any symptoms develop.
Protocols in CCC
– Contact and droplets precautions
– Strict hand hygiene
– Wear appropriate PPE
– Monitor Blood Pressure/Temperature/Pulse Rate/Respiratory Rate and SPO2 every12 hours or whenever patient complains
– Symptomatic treatment
– Tab PCM 500 mg 1 tab sos (if temp >99.7°F)
– Cough syrup 2tsp thrice daily (if cough)
– Adequate fluid intake
– Antibiotic – Tab Azithromycin 500 mg OD X 5 days
– When to refer to Covid Hospital?
– If patient complains of breathing difficulty OR Persistent chest pain
– If temp > 38° OR 100.4
– If RR greater or equal to 24/mins OR SPO2 < 94% on Room Air
If patient develops:
– Bluish discoloration of lip/face
– Mental confusion or inability to arouse
– Slurred speech
– Weakness or numbness in face or any limb
Equipments require at home/with Care giver/ANM/ASHA
1. Mask
2. Gloves
3. Hand Sanitizer
4. Thermometer
5. Pulse Oximeter
6. BP Instrument
7. Betadine gargle/Salt water for gargling.
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