High Court directed Meghalaya Govt to set up Bailey Bridge along Indo-Bangla border

The High Court of Meghalaya on Tuesday directed the Meghalaya Govt to construct a Bailey bridge to connect Sonapur to Borghat along Indo-Bangla Border in the matter of PIL case between Kynjaimon Amse versus the Union of India & Ors.
The Court was informed that recently a bridge on the road about 10 kilometers from Sonapur and towards Borghat has collapsed.
The Court directed the State to look into such aspect of the matter and ensure that temporaryn arrangements are made for a Bailey bridge or the like being put up and for a permanent solution by way of a concrete bridge.
Since the State seeks a further week’s time to finalise the issuance ogf the work order, the Court listed the next hearing on June 20, next.
The Bridge no. 54/1 near Shymplong on the Borghat- Sunapur Road has been washed away on the night of 16 May, last.
This bridge connected the border villages namely Shymplong, Borsara, Lejri, Lahalein, Huroi and Hingaria with more than 7000 population to Borghat.
At moment there is no other alternative for the villagers particularly Lejri, Lahalein, Huroi and Hingaria.
With the bridge washed away by nature, the people of the border villages are completely disconnected from the rest of the state and the country.
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