How does Meghalaya Government nominate its employees as Meghalaya Civil Service officers?

The Meghalaya Government has nominated its six employees of various departments as Meghalaya Civil Service officer on probation in the Junior Grade of the Meghalaya Civil Service and posted temporarily all of them as Assistant Commissioner, East Khasi Hills District.
The appointment is made under Rule 11 of the Meghalaya Civil Service Rules, 1975 and was notified vide notification NO.PER.60/2022/Pt/342 Dated Shillong, the 9th August, 2024. The five newly nominated MCS officers are Julius R. Marak, Nylla E Wanniang, Anthony Lyngdoh, Torall K. Marak, Freddy Passah and Chengreng D. Sangma and they will undergo Residential Training at the Meghalaya Administrative Training Institute, Shillong for a period of 3 (three) weeks from 19th of this month.
From time to time the Meghalaya Government used to nominate its employees as MCS officers and the procedures adopted by the Government for such nomination are laid down in the Meghalaya Civil Service Rules 1975.
Rule 11 of the Meghalaya Civil Service Rules, 1975 read, “(1) Appointment to the Service shall be made by the Governor and shall be notified in the Gazette of Meghalaya: (2) A person shall join within 15 days of receipt of the order of appointment, failing which, and unless the Governor extends the period, which shall not in all exceed three months, the appointment shall be cancelled: (3) Subject to the provisions of sub-rules (3) and (5) of Rule 6 appointment under clause (a) of sub-rule (1) of Rule (5) shall be made in the order in which the names appear in the list prepared by the Commission and (4) Appointment under clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of Rule 5 shall be made in the order in which the names appear in the list approved by the Commission under Rule 8.”
While sub rule 3 and 5 of Rules 6 read, “(3) Of the number of vacancies to be filled up on the results of each examination there shall be reservation in favour of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the extent and subject to the conditions as the Government may, from time to time prescribe. (5) The inclusion of a candidate’s name in the list shall confer no right to appointment unless the Governor is satisfied, after such enquiry as may be considered necessary, that the candidate is suitable in all respect for appointment to the service.”
Further, clause b of sub rule 1 of Rule 5 read, (“b) By selection from among persons serving in connection with the affairs of the State.”
Rule 8 stated the list prepared under Rule 7 shall be forwarded by the Governor to the Commission along with the Character Rolls, service Records and other relevant papers. (2) The Commission shall consider the list prepared by the Committee along with the other documents received from the Governor or on receipt of other documents as may be called for by the Commission and, unless it considers any change necessary, approve the list. (3) If the Commission considers it necessary to make any change in the list received from the Governor, the Commission shall inform the Governor of Governor may approve the list finally with such modifications, if any as may in its opinion, be just and proper. (4) The list as finally approved by the Commission shall be forwarded to the Governor along with all the papers received under sub-rule (1) and sub-rule (2), if any.
While sub rule 1 of Rule 7 define the criteria for nomination as MCS officer as the sub rule reads “(a) Who are of outstanding merit and ability; and (b) Who on the 1st day of that year have completed not less than eight year’s continuous service under the Government in a post not below the rank of Upper Division Assistant in the Meghalaya Secretariat or offices of the Heads of Departments or District Offices or in any post under the Government carrying a pay scale of Rs. 350-550 and above, and who is holding that post in a substantive capacity.”
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