“I will not reply” said Shiwat on official procedures follow or not for recruiting 32 staffs

JOWAI: “I will not reply,” said Jaintia Hills Autonomous District Council Chief Executive Member Thombor Shiwat on the question of official procedure follow or not regarding appointment and regularization of Grade III staffs in the Council.
Shiwat while replying to a question raised by first time MDC from Barato-Mukroh Aiborlang Shadap informed that 32 Grade III staffs were appointed and regularized by the Council within the period of 1st September, 2018 to 28th February, 2019.

War Central MDC Hollando Lamin rose up and asked a supplementary question as what are the procedures for recruitment of officers and staffs in the Council.
In reply, Shiwat said that the procedure of recruitment as per services rules are firstly release of advertisement, scrutiny of application forms, written interview and followed lastly by personal interview.
Lamin asked whether the above procedure of recruitment is being followed during the appointment of the 32 Grade III staff.
Shiwat rose up and smile and said, “I will not reply” to the supplementary question.
The matter ended as Shadap who raised the question stood up and said he was contended with the reply.
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