If you have visited China please call 108: Govt

SHILLONG: Taking strong coginizance of the ongoing outbreak of the novel Corona Virus (nCoV) in China, the State Health Department has requested any person who has travelled in the past one month to China and other countries where the positive Corona virus cases have been reported, to self-identify themselves irrespective of whether having any symptoms or not by calling the 24 hours Meghalaya GVK EMRI helpline number 108. The call operator will then give directions as to what is to be done next. This is to ensure that no symptomatic cases are missed out within the incubation period.
Prevention and Control of Novel Corona Virus
Travellers who had come from the affected areas and the general public are advised to adhere to the following standard health measures for prevention and control.
Those with travel history to the affected areas or exposed to a confirmed case of nCoV infection in the past one month with symptoms of fever and cough should immediately wear face mask, isolate oneself and call up No. 108 and inform the nearby health facility for further directions. Frequently clean your hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water, when coughing and sneezing, cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue and dispose tissue sanitarily and immediately wash hands and avoid close contact with anyone who has fever and cough.
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