Illegal quarry and mining of sands prohibited in West Jaintia Hills

District Magistrate, West Jaintia Hills District, Garod LSN Dykes, IAS has promuglated Section 144 CrPC prohibiting mining or quarrying of sand by any individual, institution or organization without quarry permits or mining lease from competent authority.
The order was issued in pursuance of Order No. FOR.CC/14/2019/Pt/4, Dt. 14-04-2022 of the Forests and Environment Department, Government of Meghalaya the grant of quarry permits and mining lease in respect of sand which is minor mineral having been listed at Sl. No. 3 of Scheduled III of Meghalaya Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 2016, shall be strictly regulated in accordance with the Meghalaya Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 2016, permits shall be strictly enforced as per the provisions contained in Rule 4(3) of the Meghalaya Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 2016 in as much as the said Sub-Rule prohibits grant of mining lease and quarry permit without prior environmental
clearance under Environment Protection Act, 1986.
The provisions of the Sustainable Sand Mining Management Guidelines 2016 and Enforcement & Monitoring Guidelines for sand mining 2020 have been duly adopted by the
State Government and required to be strictly implemented. The officer authorized under Section 21 of Mines and Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act. 1957 shall register the cases forthwith and take all other further consequential auctions including seizure of illegally extracted sand, tool equipment, vehicle or any other thing thereof.
The order shall remain in force until further orders.
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