Illegal transportation of coals thriving

In continue drive against illegal transportation of coal, West Jaintia Hills police arrested three trucks in National Highway along Phramer Area.
According to police, on 12.03.2020 while conducting mobile patrolling along the national highway and Phramer areas and at around 11 pm they detected three trucks bearing registration number AS 01 DD 4251 driven by Mohesh Ray of Krishnai Bazar, Goalpara, Assam, NL 01 Q 1949 driven by Mataf Uddin of Biharbari, Basistha, Guwahati, Assam and ML 05 U 4389 whose driver fled away from the vehicle.
These trucks are loaded with coal and thus clearly violate the NGT order banning the transportation of coal.
All the three trucks have been detained at Phramer Traffic Cell for safe custody and for further necessary action.
Police has lodged the FIR and it has been forwarded to Jowai PS for registration of case.
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