Independence Day: Village Health Council’s honour for outstanding performance in West Jaintia Hills

The enthusiastic citizens of the West Jaintia Hills District joined hands with the rest of the country to celebrate the 78th Independence Day. Celebrations were held across the district, including at the district headquarters in Jowai, Amlarem Civil Sub-Division, and Hima Shangpung.
In Jowai, the Independence Day celebration took place at Jrisalein playground, where a large gathering of people came together to commemorate the occasion. Power Minister AT Mondal hoisted the National Flag and took the Rashtriya salute from 32 contingents, which included the District Police Jowai, the 61 Meghalaya Girls Battalion from Government Girls School, the Meghalaya Bharat Guide (Guide Contingents), and 29 schools from Jowai Urban Town, led by Parade Commander Inspector Sunday Mannar.
The Minister emphasized the importance of unity and highlighted the progress made by the State government. He later distributed certificates and trophies to the winners of the marching contingent competition. JNV Mukhla Higher Secondary School was adjudged the winner, while Jowai Public School and Thadlaboh Presbyterian Higher Secondary School secured the second and third positions, respectively.
Certificates and mementos were also presented to the best-performing Village Health Council (VHCs) for the year 2023-2024. Under the Amlarem C&RD Block, the VHC award was given to Lamin Health Council for its achievements under the Chief Minister’s Safe Motherhood Scheme (CM-SMS), which included 33 institutional deliveries (100%), no home deliveries, no teenage marriages, no teenage pregnancies, and a population coverage of 1,760. In Laskein Block, the award went to Chutwakhu Sarhen Village Council for its record of 3 institutional deliveries (100%), no home deliveries, no teenage marriages, no teenage pregnancies, and a population coverage of 113. Thadlaskein Block’s Sahamuswang Village Health Council was recognized for 37 institutional deliveries (82%), 8 home deliveries (12%), no teenage marriages, 3 teenage pregnancies (6%), and a population coverage of 1,831. The Village Health Councils (VHCs) were notified by the Government of Meghalaya in February 2022 as the nodal community institutions to mobilize actions on health and nutrition issues and serve as a critical link between the state health system and community members.
Awards were also presented to the best-performing health facilities during the World Population Fortnight for 2024-2025. The World Population Fortnight aims to raise awareness on population issues such as family planning methods, gender equality, poverty, maternal health, and human rights. The best-performing health facilities—Loomkywiang UPHC, Thadlaskein Block’s Sahsniang PHC, Laskein Block’s Dawki PHC, and Amlarem Block—were recognized for their efforts in organizing family planning meetings, distributing contraceptives, and conducting effective IEC/BEE and counseling sessions.

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