Indigenous people of Khasi Jaintia Hills Region to elect new MDCs on February 21st
The indigenous people of Khasi Jaintia Hills region or Eastern Range of Meghalaya will cast their vote on February 21st this year to elect their new representative to the House of JHADC and KHADC respectively.
The polling will start from 7am in the morning and culminates at 4pm in the evening on February 21st this year while the counting of vote will be held on February 24th this year.
This is as per notification issued on Monday vides no. DCA.65/2024/12 Dated 27/01/2025.
According to the notification, the intending candidates can start filing their respective nomination papers from Monday onwards till the 3 pm of February 3rd this year while the scrutiny of nomination papers will be held after 3pm on February 3rd this year.

As per the notification, any candidates can withdraw their nomination papers only up to February 4th this year while February 6th this year is set for finalization and publication of valid nomination and allocation of symbols.
The General Election to both JHADC and KHADC was actually supposed to be held on February 2024 however the Meghalaya Government extended the tenure of the present MDCs for six months twice (making it one year) due to non completion of the Delimitation of constituencies besides other political reasons.

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