Indo-Bangla trade along West Jaintia Hills to re-open

The District Magistrate, West Jaintia Hills has issued an order informing that Border Trade with Bangladesh through Land Customs Station, Tamabil, Dawki will be re-opened from 17th August, 2020 subjected to strict compliance and adhering to the Standard Operating Procedure for export issued by the Commissioner & Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya, Commerce and Industries Department.
The order has also mentioned that the number and timing of vehicles will be allowed to ply in accordance with the Traffic Regulation prepared by the Additional Deputy Commissioner, in charge Amlarem (Civil) Sub-Division
The Border Trade COVID-19 Management Committee with Additional Deputy Commissioner I/c Amlarem Civil Sub-Division as Chairperson shall monitor that the SOPs are strictly followed and implemented.
In addition, the District Magistrate has directed all to strictly comply with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) and other Protocols already put in place or being put in place by the Health and Family Welfare and the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.

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