Investment a futile exercise if boundary dispute is unresolved: Rymbui

SHILLONG: Education Minister Lahkmen Rymbui today said investment by the education department along the inter-state border would be futile if the ground situation is not solved by both the Assam and Meghalaya governments.
Rymbui was replying to a call attention moved by opposition Congress legislator from Nongpoh Mayralborn Syiem on the delay in construction of an SSA lower primary school building at Khlieh Umwang village under Block II in Ri Bhoi District.
Rymbui told the Assembly on Tuesday that on hearing the news of the demolition of school building by Assam police, the District School Education Officer directed the block officials to visit the affected site and the official promptly responded with the site inspection on August 10, last year.
The official reported that some part of the building which is under the construction sanctioned by the office of the District Mission Coordinator, District Unit of SSA-SEMAM, Ri Bhoi District for the year 2017-18 was destroyed by the Assam police using JCB.
It was also reported that out of 12 pillars, 7 has been demolished along with the frame slab and raw materials meant for the construction was also destroyed.
The minister further informed the House that the progress of work in the demolished school is about 50%, the year of sanction of the Khlieh Umwang SSA LP school building was in 2015-16 and amount sanctioned was Rs 19,97,500 of which the 1st installment of Rs 9,98,750 was released.
“It may be noted that the 2nd installment could not be released for the construction due to the fact that the department has apprehension to further invest in the disputed area,” Rymbui said adding “Nevertheless, the 2nd installment would be promptly released if the administration assured the department that no untoward incident takes place again.”
The minister further said at the same time, the department shall also propose an additional financial support to the affected school in the Annual Work Plan & Budget 2019-20 under the major repair works in addition to the balance amount.
Stating that the affected school is located under the Block II area which is a disputed area, he said any further investment by the education department would be futile if the ground situation is not solved by both the states.
He said the state government is taking the issue seriously and solution to the problem being explored so that social and educational developmental works could be implemented for the benefit of its residents and school children in those areas.
Meanwhile, the minister also sought the cooperation and support of all the members of the House to support the effort of the department.
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