James Sangma launches PBR App and Forest Fire App

Forest and Environment Minister, Meghalaya, James PK Sangma launched two critical Apps, the PBR App and Forest Fire App for the State of Meghalaya complementing Statehood of Meghalaya celebrations and infusing technological innovations in collaboration with National Informatics Centre (NIC) and also the North East Space Application Centre (NESAC), Shillong.
The Peoples Biodiversity Register (PBR) App developed by NIC was launched for the purpose of upgradation and enriching the data base of inventory of biological resources of the State where the Mobile App version can be used not only by domain related officials but also the general public to complement and supplement capturing data for documentation of our rich biological heritage which will help in fair and equitable sharing of benefits with our villages (bio-resource owners) through the Biodiversity Management Committees.
The Minister also launched the Forest Fire App which was developed by NESAC Shillong for use by the Meghalaya Forest Department. This App is intended to provide a one point source of information on issues related to fire management in sync with Forest Survey of India data. This App is expected to reduce workload and improve decision making process for the domain officials and also facilitate local stakeholders in the villages of the State especially for reporting and addressing the issue of controlling forest fire incidences.
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