Job Openings in Government Lower Primary Schools

The Government of Meghalaya invites applications in the public interest for the post of Assistant Teachers in Government Lower Primary (LP) Schools located within the Jowai Sub-Division of West Jaintia Hills District, Meghalaya. Interested candidates may apply as per the terms and conditions mentioned below:
Position Details:
Position: Assistant Teacher, LP School
Total Vacancies: 48
Unreserved (UR): 7
Khasi – Jaintia/Garo: 39
Other ST/SC: 2
Reservation Policy: The allocation of posts is per Reservation Policy No. PER.222/71/138 dated 12-01-1972, O.M. No. PER 272/72/5 dated 18-12-1972, read with O.M. No. PER (AR) 25/2022/Pt/23 dated 14-06-2023.
Salary: Successful candidates will qualify for the Pay Scale Level 5 within the Revised Pay structure of the Government of Meghalaya.
Minimum of Class 12th Passed with 50% for General Candidates & 45% for ST/SC Candidates
Possession of D.EL.Ed or Graduate with B.Ed. as per NCTE Notification dated 23/08/2010-S1.1.
MTET Passed Certificate: Compulsory
D.El.Ed Passed Certificate: Compulsory
Proficiency in the language of instruction in the school.
Age Limit: In pursuance to the Personnel & A.R(A) Department Office Memorandum vide No.PER.38/2021/30 dated Shillong, 3rd February 2022, the candidate upper age limit will be 32 years on the first day of the year in which the advertisement is made i.e. as on 1st January 2023 and 5 years additional relaxation in case of candidates belonging to ST/SC will be applicable.
Age relaxation for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) will be as per Personnel & A.R(B) Department Office Memorandum vide No. PER(AR)150/88/560 dated Shillong, 18th January 2023
In the case of candidates already in government service, he/she should have first entered service within the age limit mentioned in Clause 4(a) above and he/she shall have to obtain a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the concerned office/department for applying.
In pursuance of Memo.No PER(AR).60/2023/Pt/5- A dated Shillong, the 24th May 2023, a one-time age relaxation is provided for those who have passed MTET in 2021 but are now overage for consideration of this advertisement.
Basic Computer literacy will be an added preference.
Application Submission: Application should reach to the office of the SDSEO, Jowai on or before 31st August 2023 fulfilling all the basic criteria as specified above. Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected for appointment through Board of Interview constituted by the State Government.
Debarment: Candidates should make sure of their eligibility for the post applied for and that the declaration made by them in the application regarding their eligibility is correct in all respects. Any candidate furnishing incorrect information or making false declaration regarding his/her eligibility at any stage or suppressing any information in liable to be debarred from appearing for any of the examinations to be conducted in future, and summarily their candidature for this recruitment will be rejected.
Candidates found using any unfair/illegal means during the conduct of the recruitment process will be debarred from appearing in examinations conducted in future.
The appointing authority is vested with the duty of conducting recruitment and selection as per rules duly maintaining utmost secrecy and confidentially in this process and any attempt by anyone causing or likely to cause breach of this duty in such manner or by such action as to violate or likely to violate the fair practices followed and ensured by the appointing authority will be sufficient cause for rendering such questionable means as ground for debarment.
If any candidate is or has been found impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person or resorting to any other irregular or improper means in connection with his/her candidature for selection or obtaining support of candidature by any means, such a candidate may in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution, will be liable to be debarred permanently from any exam or selection held in future.
Candidates declared as Tainted by Education Department pursuant to Honorable High Court Order in WA No. 52 of 2011, need not apply.
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