Journey of the first of its kind, Meghalaya Chief Minister’s E-Champion Challenge
When it started?
The Chief Minister’s E-Champion Challenge is a first of its kind initiative in Meghalaya, launched by Chief Minister Conrad K. Sangma on August 14, 2019. The challenge aims to create an ecosystem where people with entrepreneurial ideas can get all the hand holding support needed to navigate the complex web of markets, technology and credit.
The Chief Minister’s E-Champion Challenge is the first step in systematically choosing the first batch of Enterprise Champions or E-Champs, who will be the front runners for the enterprise ecosystem development.

The Challenge is said to be a regular annual event and more E-champs will be selected and nurtured in the years to come.

The programme is headed by Meghalaya Institute of Entrepreneurship (MIE) in association with Indian Institute of Management- Calcutta Innovation Park (IIM-CIP) and Meghalaya Basin Development Authority (MBDA).
The Journey
The initial phase of the programme started with the launch of the Challenge on the 14th of August 2019 after which sensitization programmes were conducted in all the districts of the state.
The sensitization programme was conducted with the staff members of Enterprise Facilitation Centres (EFCs), District Industries Centres (DICs) and Common Service Centres (CSCs) to identify and encourage potential entrepreneurs from all districts of the state to make the most of this opportunity by the state government.
Orientation Programmes
The 1st orientation programme as part of Chief Minister’s E-Champion Challenge was conducted in State Central Library, Shillong on August 23, 2019 with Additional Deputy Commissioner, East Khasi Hills District, I. Majaw as the Chief Guest.
The 2nd orientation session was followed at Nongpoh in Ri Bhoi District on August 27, 2019 with Additional Deputy Commissioner, Ri Bhoi District, D. P Kharsati as the Chief Guest.
The 3rd and 4th sensitization programmes were held at Jowai in West Jaintia Hills and Khliehriat in East Jaintia Hills districts respectively on August 30, 2019. The sessions were presided over by Additional Deputy Commissioner, West Jaintia Hills, R.S Manners and Deputy Commissioner, East Jaintia Hills, F. M. Dopth.

Two more similar sessions at Nongtoin and Mawkyrwat was also conducted.
The top 100
From among the 700 applications, the top 100 entrepreneurs were selected and the results was declared on the 12th of November 2019.
These 100 went through a two-day session which included a boot camp and the pitching session in front of selected panel held at the Pastoral Centre, Shillong on the 16th and 17th November 2019.

The orientation and boot camp session witnessed members from IIM-CIP interact with the top 100 challengers as they geared up for the pitching session.
“Here the idea is to open up to all the people in the state who have ideas, who have business plans and turn it into a competition and we asked the youth to apply through an open process. About 700 participated and we shortlisted 100 of them and from that 100 we will shortlist 50. And for these 50 people we want to give a very dedicated and intense incubation support for the next one year”. said Dr. Vijay Kumar, Commissioner & Secretary Planning, Government of Meghalaya
The bootcamp was followed by the pitching session to select the top 50 challengers which welcomed eminent local entrepreneurs from the state and members of IIM-CIP as the jury.

The top 50
Following the bootcamp and the pitching session, the list of the top 50 entrepreneurs was declared on the 22nd of November 2019.
The selected 50 entrepreneurs went through a final round of pitching to further select the top 25 entrepreneurs from the top 50.

The final pitching round was held at MBOSE Tura, on the 7th December 2019.
“The government has been really focusing on entrepreneurship and it all starts with the believe that the government has its role to play and government will make the policy and create the eco system but the system has to be driven by entrepreneurs and until unless the private sector don’t come into picture the economy can’t take off. That’s one of the many reasons why entrepreneurship has been at the top of our agenda. This particular platform is just one of them, there’s so many things that’s going to come in the coming years and months. I’m sure we will give a great push to entrepreneurship and innovation as a whole”. said the Chief Minister Congrad K Sangma while visiting the event at Tura.
Meghalaya Entrepreneurship & Startup Summit 2020
The Meghalaya Entrepreneurship & Startup Summit 2020 was held at the State Convention Centre on the 21st of January 2020.

The event started with Shri M.S Rao, Chief Secretary, Government of Meghalaya welcoming the dignitaries followed by video story of the E-Champion’s journey.
Meanwhile, NITI Ayog, CEO, Amitabh Kant, who was present on the occasion as the guest of honour, extended full support to the Meghalaya government by saying that NITI Aayog aims to make the state as a model of tinkering labs for India. “Meghalaya has a huge potential in four main sectors and the same needs to be tapped at the earliest to provide a boost to the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the state,” he said.
Documents for the enterprise strategy of Meghalaya with PRIME (Promotion of Innovative and Market Driven Enterprises) was also launched on the day which focused on easily available credit, relevant technology, skilling and mentoring support and access to high leverage market linkages.
The summit witnessed an impressive line-up of speakers including Mekin Maheshwari (founder, Udhyam, former CPO, Flipkart), Sagar Daryani (CEO & co-founder, Wow! Momo), Mark Laitphlang Stone (CEO & founder, Group Avenues), Pradeep Gupta (chairman & managing director, Cyber Media, India Ltd), Rudy Wahlang (musician), Pauline Warjri (pianist and director of Aroha Choir), Paul Mukhtieh (chairman, NEDFI) and resource persons from IIM-CIP, among others.
The summit hosted an awards ceremony for the selected top 25 entrepreneurs with an entertainment evening which included performances by Lamphang Syiemlieh, Megha Warriors, Rikune / Snap Paka, fashion show, among others.

Of the top 50 entrepreneurs, the top 25 entrepreneurs were felicitated by the chief minister with a cash prize of Rs 1 lakh (cheque), a certificate as well as a memento.
The remaining 25 were felicitated with a cash prize of Rs 50,000 (cheque), a certificate as well as a memento. The rest of the Top 50 were awarded with a certificate.
The day long event concluded with a performance by 4th Element.

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