KSU appeals to all 13000 MCS candidates to demand disclosure of marks

The Khasi Student’s Union (KSU) on Saturday appealed to all 13000 candidates, who have appeared for the MCS (Prelims) Examination, to join hands in ending corruption in the Meghalaya Public Service Commission (MPSC) by demanding publishing of their marks.
This came a day after the MPSC has decided not to display the marks of the MCS preliminary examination following strong objections from certain candidates.
The secretary of the commission in a public notice had informed that “the proposal for public disclosure of marks for the MCS preliminary examination has been strongly objected by aggrieved candidates due to potential infringement of their right to privacy which is their fundamental right guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution of India.”
The public notice was also issued after the KSU had staged a sit-in-demonstration against irregularities in the recruitment process and demanded for disclosure of marks of all MCS candidates.
“We appeal to the over 13000 candidates, who appeared for the MCS preliminary examination to come forward and end this corruption practices in the MPSC by filing a petition to the chairman of the commission expressing that you don’t have any objection against disclosure of marks. If you don’t come together, we will never be able to fight corruption in the system,” chairman of the KSU employment monitoring cell Reuben Najiar told reporters.
He said that the MPSC during its meeting with the delegation of the Union had in fact agreed in principle to disclose marks of the candidates.
“However, the failure of the MPSC to keep its words by deciding not to disclose the marks of the candidates including 62 in the additional list, only make us believe that it there is something behind the scene,” Najiar said while reminding that the union never demanded scrapping of the examination but transparency by publishing marks of the candidates.
Refering to the MPSC’s excuse that disclosure of marks will infringe Article 21 of the Constitution, the KSU leader said, “Now, the big question here is what kind of infringement is MPSC talking about here. The Commission had published the names along with roll numbers and marks of the candidates appearing for MPS physical test, the same Commission is now saying that disclosure of marks is infringing right to privacy. We really do not know why the MPSC is so scared to disclose the marks of the candidates appearing for the MCS prelims exam despite our demand to only publish roll numbers not their names.”
“Therefore, saying it will infringe the right to privacy is totally wrong and unacceptable. The action by the MPSC only proves that there is something behind,” he added.
Najiar also informed that the chairman of MPSC had refused to respond to the call and text messages of the union on the delay of the MPSC to publish the marks by switching off his phone.
Further, the KSU leader said that the MPSC had committed a big mistake right from the begining by conducting the reassessment because the commission cannot do that.
“The MPSC had claimed there was mistake in three questions and that there was a petition filed by a candidate. But till date, we are yet to know who this candidate is and what were the three questions, where mistakes have been alleged. However as per rule, the MPSC cannot challenge the answer key there is no criteria under the MPSC and this was also admitted by the chairman of the MPSC. Therefore their action from the beginning was a mistake by deviating from the process. As per process, they cannot do it,” he stated.
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