Laptops thieves arrested in Shillong

The intensified police patrolling carried out in various parts of Shillong city due to rise of various crimes has pay dividened with the arrest of three habitual burglars and also the recovered of several stolen items.
According to police, on Tuesday, Sector Officer Rynjah Joyti Wahlang MPS and SI P Syiem IC Nongthymmai along with Special Party Rynjah PS conducted joint patrolling at Nongthymmai.
They managed to apprehend two habitual persons namely Wanstep Lyngdoh 27 yrs of Nongrim Hills and Banroplang Jyrwa 24 yrs r/o Rngijynriew Neng Nongthymmai.
The duo admitted of their involvement in the burglary of Rynjah PS Case No.117(07)2022 U/S 454/380 IPC and sold the stolen items to someone in Ïewmawlong.

On Wednesday, SI J Wahlang I/C Cantonment and his Special Party, one Abdul Motalif age 21 yrs of Mawlonghat was apprehended.
Police recovered the stolen items namely 1 Asus laptop, 2 HP laptops, 1 Dell laptop, 1 Canon Power shot SX430 IS, 1 Canon camera IXUS, 1 VIVO mobile phone.
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