Lockdown | Lay-bye market at Ialong open twice a week, whole sale of areca nuts and beetle leaves permitted

In order to enable the local residents to purchase their basic and daily Essential Commodities fertilizers and fodder for animals during the ongoing curfew promulgated in West Jaintia Hills District, the Deputy Commissioner, West Jaintia Hills has informed that all the Fair Price Shops under NFSA and NON-NFSA will open every day from 20th April 2020 from 09:00 A.M to 04:00 P.M.
Groceries and Essential Commodities Shops Vegetables, Fruits, Meat, Areca Nuts, Beetle leaves , shops identified by headmen of respective Villages in all localities of Jowai agglomeration and the villages of West Jaintia Hills District on Wednesday and Saturday from 09:00 A.M to 04:00 P.M.
Shops related to Agriculture and Animal Husbandry activities as notified by the District Agriculture Officer and District A.H. & Veterinary Officer respectively are allowed to open on Wednesday and Saturday from 9 AM to 4 PM.
In order to enable re-stock of goods the distributors and wholesalers will coordinate with the retailers for delivering of stocks to the shops identified by Headmen and Home Delivery Services identified by the District Authority on every Tuesday and Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM under West Jaintia Hills District.

Wholesales for Vegetables in the designated Lay Bye Market at Ialong are permitted to open on Tuesday and Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM and recommendation from the District Agriculture or District Horticulture for issuance of CURFEW PASSES and in respect for retail shops by the headmen from their respective village localities.
Wholesale for Arecanuts and Beetle leaves place identified by the Magistrate of West Jaintia Hills, Additional Deputy Commissioner, incharge Amlarem (Civil) Sub- Division are also permitted to open from 9 Am to 4 PM.
However all market places in District shall continue to remain closed.
The Local Headman (Rangbah Shnong) in coordination with District Police will regulate the operation of the shops in their respective villages and to also ensure due compliance to the Advisories of Government in the Health & Family Welfare Department with respect to strict adherence to Social Distancing concerning the COVID-19 situation.
In addition the public are to strictly maintain Social Distancing of at least 1 metre, not to overcrowd in one area/shop, no movement of people from one Village to another Village, not to spitting in public places, to use Masks in public places and to comply with management made by the District Administration, District Police and Headman
The Wholesalers and Traders are entrusted to maintain daily stock and sale register along with the details of sales.
The Deputy Commissioner has mentioned that adequate stocks of essential commodities are and would be available and there is no need to panic and resort to hoarding as it will have an adverse impact.
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