Lockout lifted in Pathini TE, workers to be paid new wages from May 15
The lockout in Pathini Tea Estate in Assam’s Karimganj district, which was declared on May 10, was lifted on Sunday following an agreement between the tea estate management and Barak Cha Sramik Union, Silchar (BCSU) at the office of the assistant labour commissioner (ALO), Silchar on Saturday.
According to the clauses of the agreement, the management of the tea estate agreed to pay the new wage rate of Rs 228 from May 15.
The management of the tea estate also decided to clear the unpaid wages of the tea workers on May 13.
The agreement also stated that the BCSU and its Bagan Panchayat would not support any illegal activities in the garden in the future.

Owned by Kolkata-based Mantri Tea Co Pvt Ltd, the management of the tea estate declared a lockout in the tea estate on May 10 following which around 1,300 tea labourers were rendered jobless.
The management of the tea estate declared a lockout following a dispute with the tea workers on the payment of new wages to the workers @Rs 228 per day fixed by the Assam government in September 2023.
BCSU general secretary Rajdeep Goala said: “Though the Assam government issued the notification for payment of wage of the daily rated workers @228, the management of the tea garden was paying @Rs210 as a daily wage to the workers. The Bagan panchayat submitted several representations to the general manager of the tea estate and also to the BCKU, Silchar but the management did not pay any heed to such representations.”
The clauses of the agreement said on May 7, Satrughna Chasa accompanied by non-workers mobilized a mass workforce leading to a mass agitation. All efforts by MLA Krishnendu Paul and others to pacify the workers were unsuccessful.
“The agitation has caused insecurity of the tea estate management, which sought permission from the company Mantri Tea Co Pvt Ltd for action against the unruly workers. Therefore, the management initiated lockout of the tea garden from May 10,” the agreement stated.
A conciliation proceeding was held at the office of the ALO, Silchar on Saturday to find an amicable solution to the issue.
“The management alleged that non-workers instigated to mobilize the workers and they even started an agitation and marched towards the three divisions of the garden. They stated that it is difficult for the management to work peacefully if there is much interference of non-workers,” the agreement also said.
Earlier also the management lodged an FIR with the police station following several incidents in the estate. “The management stated that in such a dreadful agitation and no protection from police and district administration, they do not feel secure in dissolving the lockout. Further, there were grievances from the worker’s side,” the agreement added.
The agreement was signed by Kamalesh Singh, director; Sushil Kumar Singh, CEO; Supriya Sikdar, general manager and Sorodindu Bhattacharjee, secretary, Tea Association of India (TAI), Barak Valley branch, on behalf of Pathini Tea Estate.
The BCSU was represented by its general secretary Rajdeep Goala, assistant general secretary S Mishra, assistant general sectary Rabi NUnisha and Bagaan Panchayat members.

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