Lok Adalat cleared 551 pending cases in a single day
The Meghalaya State Legal Services Authority has organised the National Lok Adalat on the 5th December, 2020 in all the districts of the State of Meghalaya, under the aegis of the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) and under the Patronage of the Hon’ble Mr. Justice Biswanath Somadder, Chief Justice, High Court of Meghalaya and Patron-in-Chief of the Meghalaya State Legal Services Authority (MSLSA) and under the supervision of the Hon’ble Mr. Justice R. V. More, Judge, High Court of Meghalaya, and Executive Chairman of the Meghalaya State Legal Services Authority.
658 Pre-Litigation cases and 551 pending cases were taken up in the National Lok Adalat in the whole State of Meghalaya for settlement.
The cases taken were MACT, Bank Recovery, Civil Cases and Criminal Compoundable cases. 171 cases were settled and an amount of Rs. 1, 00, 10, 452.50p (Rupees One crore ten thousand four hundred fifty two and fifty paise) only was settled.

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