Marak says delay in clearing the scholarship only deprive students of their rights
BJP Tura MDC Bernard N Marak on Sunday said denying scholarship to the students in the State is denial and betrayal of the rights of the ST students of their rightful privileges.
In a statement. Marak alleged saying, “I checked with the Tribal Ministry on delay of payment of scholarship to the students and I was informed that the list forwarded by the State has been cleared on priority basis. However, 90% which the Centre pays cannot be transfered to the student’s account until the 10% share of the State is transfered by the State for payment.”
“State delays in clearing the list of the students and the 10% which has led to confusion and delay in clearing the scholarship depriving many students of their rights. State is deducting 4% Cess tax from mobile recharges of the students every month which amounts to crores of rupees as one ST student recharging for Rs 300 per month by default pays Rs 12/- as cess tax to the Government,” he said.
Stating how government cannot clear the 10% in time remains a big question, Marak said, “Chief Minister and the Education Minister is humbly requested to address the woes of the ST students as most of these students come from a poor background. If Education is first priority as promised during election, so must the welfare of the students must be.”

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