MCAB in Jowai closed after COVID-19 positive case

District Magistrate, West Jaintia Hills District on Wednesday has directed the Meghalaya Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd, Jowai Branch, lawmusiang to remain closed after the detection of COVID-19 positive case from May 12 to May 15.
The order was issued based on the report received from the Branch Manager Meghalaya Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd, Jowai Branch, lawmusiang Jowai, that one Covid positive case/high risk contact has been detected at the Branch.
All persons who visited the said Branch are advised to isolate themselves and go for home quarantine for 10 (TEN) days with self monitoring of their health by wearing masks, social distancing and frequent hand washing. During the period of quarantine, should any symptoms like fever, cough and difficulty in breathing developed, they are to immediately isolate themselves and contact their local headmen.
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