Meghalaya 50: A Jubilee for Great Jubilation A Blessed Tribute to Every Meghalayan
I wish to thank friends, colleagues, and other supporters for their input into my words today. Angelic clouds, ambrosial hills, beautiful waters, paradisaical ventures and adventures: all graced into aliveness with the most conscientious people in an incomparable haven of humanity.
O Meghalaya, my beautiful Meghalaya!

Mother India recognized in Meghalaya the raw materials for a ripe Garden of Eden. Our task is to nurture nature for it to nourish our lives with mindfulness and soul-consciousness, with unity and harmony. We are a people, together imbued with the power to set alight a plenitude of powerful possibilities, and ennoble our ordinary lives with extraordinary potentialities.
Fifty years ago, our sacred citizenry were an audience to the genesis of independent statehood. And today, on this auspicious occasion, the golden jubilee of our beloved State of Meghalaya, I am making a clarion call for a crusade against unemployment, poverty, sickness, and divisive intentions. We must counter these evils with inclusiveness, equality, sustainability, a sense of trusteeship, and covenantal leadership. This way of life will be the way forward for a reinvigorated Meghalaya, a resurgent India, and a rejuvenated planet.
We must ask ourselves what can I do differently and better today from the way it was done yesterday?
We have to confront ourselves whether we are preparing for a future that will soon be obsolete?
We must ask ourselves how can we move from hope to fulfillment?
It is not just enough to be a value-additive society, we must look for ways to ensure that our values have a far reaching positive impact, because we live in exponential times.
The linear progress of past decades is inadequate. The curve of evolution is sweeping upwards in a steep arc that is creating a challenge space never before encountered.
The citizenry of our State is vibrant and buoyant, but in need of visionary leadership, relentless innovation, the quest for good fellowship, and the encouragement of entrepreneurship.
No society is perfect, and yet, I believe that soul-smart leadership can have a domino effect, its positive consequences can be felt by generations to come. Meghalaya can help India lead the way: if she exhibits the will, cultivates the skills, and corroborates lessons from the past with insight from the present and foresight for the future.
Mindpower is the new capital in our world today!
(1)Are our people learning as fast as the world is changing?
(2)Are they agile, quick off the mark, and able to boost business?
(3)Are they harnessing opportunities with systems and strategies geared for victory?
(4)Are they motivated and inspired to deal with Third Millennium challenges, threats and obstacles?
With a stainless conscience and flawless consciousness, the ideal leader of Meghalaya must be fully aware of the accounting involved in orchestrating events, and must be completely accountable to the people. The buck is never passed, it is reconfigured consistently to suit the changing contexts over time. This leader must be aware of the dynamic world we live in, he must not grapple with the past but learn from it. He must be able to evolve with the changes that define our day and age. The leader must be rational and charismatic, inciting a happy chain reaction capable of dealing with the challenges that keep surfacing in the arena of governance. A leader who can balance spoteinity with discipline; who has the courage to not bow down to hardships.
I write to people from all walks of life, government leaders, educational shepherds, policy architects, corporate chieftains, and all families within our societies, to join hands and reclaim the agency to enhance the lives of all the people of Meghalaya!
To compete and adapt effectively into the decades ahead, we need to focus on:
- crucial literacies for the future
What do our students, young executives, and their superiors now need to know?
- pivotal competencies for the future
What skill sets do our people now need to acquire?
These literacies and competencies of the future are presently not being addressed in our classrooms or our boardrooms. Thus, it is imperative that a holistic framework be adopted to enables us to:
- Energise our viewpoints within a world of high-speed flux
- Assimilate complex concepts to inspire breakthrough innovations
- Address real-world problems, dilemmas, opportunities, and needs to create a sustainable planet with supreme values
As a pioneer member of my new political party, I am humbled by the magnitude and gravity of the responsibilities bestowed upon us. In my quest to attain mastery in the domain of politics and leadership, I have used every experience to generate rapid learning cycles for myself. Masters stand out by their ability to stay true to their earliest awakenings, their inspirations and their aspirations; they have complete awareness of what they are meant to do in life. My learnings are a summation of my consistent interactions with my people.
Every individual is an ideal with a moral identity in a mortal frame, working not just for a living, but for a cause: THE IDEAL CITIZEN. The Meghalayan!
Meghalaya was once the iconic epicentre of learning excellence. With leadership that has the humility to learn and learners attuned to leading, Meghalaya can resurrect herself into pre-eminence. Eminent members of the government will have a huge role to play in this journey. The resurrection of Meghalaya’s pre-eminence is our collective responsibility, we must pledge to make it a reality!
In our quest for the best as a visionary new political entity, I look upon our initial and perpetual mandate as a metaphor equated with the ‘HEARTS’ of our citizenry, where we waste no time in instantly addressing the following elements and their attributes:
- Health- healing and perpetuating goodness of mind, body and spirit
- Education- multi-disciplinary skills and literacies, plugged into future-readiness
- Ambience- preserving the celestial aura of our abode in the clouds
- Resources- the conservation and sustainable use of all natural resources
- Tourism- catalysing human harmony via a welcoming communion of cultural enterprises
- Sustainability- building and operating sustainable facilities to nourish and nurture our habitats
We cannot recycle wasted time, but we can ensure that no more time is lost in vain. In my limited knowledge, I know that I remain a servant of Providence, and ask only that I receive the powers that can light my path, lighten my load, enlighten my mind so that I can serve my people, in service of the highest ideals of humankind.
May God bless this sacred land, and our beautiful people!
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