Meghalaya Chief Minister handed Rs. 1 lakh each to 21 sports associations for preparation of Meghalaya Games
Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma expressed satisfaction over the ongoing preparations for the Meghalaya Games in Jowai, West Jaintia Hills District.
Sangma said that hosting the third edition of the Meghalaya Games is a historic moment for West Jaiñtia Hills District. He stressed that the investments in sports infrastructure are not only expenditure but is an investment in our youth, the future of our state.
The Chief minister handed over cheques amounting to Rs 21 Lakhs (Rs 1 Lakh each) to 21 sports clubs and associations of West Jaiñtia Hills District for preparations for the upcoming Meghalaya Games.
Deputy CM S. Dhar said the event marks a great milestone for the shnong which shows the dedication of visionary leaders and founding fathers of the shnong.
He thanked the CM for bringing the Meghalaya Games to Jaintia Hills.
He called the Rangbah Shnong as a frontliner in preparations for the Games and stated that the shnong be an example and set benchmarks for success.
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