Meghalaya Govt enhances salary of SSA Non-teaching staff by 25%

The state government has announced its decision to enhance the salary of over 1200 non-teaching staff of the Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) by 25 percent with effect from April 1, this year.
The government’s decision was conveyed by the Special Officer incharge Education department in a letter to the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha (SEMAM) & Director of School Education & Literacy, Meghalaya on July 26.
The letter read: “In inviting a reference to the subject cited above, I am directed to convey government’s approval for 25% enhancement of salary of the office staff of Samagra Shiksha (Non-Academic) at the state, district and block MIS, DEO and accountant with effect from the financial year 2024-2025 (i.e. April 1st, 2024). This approval is issued in pursuance of Finance (EA) Department’s letter dated July 18, 2024. This has the approval of the “Competent Authority”.”
Meanwhile, the All Meghalaya SSA Non-Teaching Staffs Association (AMSSANTSA) on Wednesday began its indefinite sit-in-demonstration demanding the government to enhance their salary.
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