Meghalaya Police announced date of written exam for fireman, driver and constable

The Central Recruitment Board of Meghalaya Police will conduct the Written Examination for the post of fireman, driver fireman and driver constable for the AB/UB Group in both Eastern Range and Western Range on the 5th March, 2022 & 6th March, 2022 respectively.
The Schedule of the Written Examinations is on 05/03/22 for Fireman with total marks of 300 from 09:00 AM – 11:00 AM and on same date for Driver Fireman with 300 marks from 02:00 PM – 04:00 PM.
On 06/03/22 it will be for post of Driver Constable with 150 marks from 09:00 AM – 10:00 AM.
Trade Test for the post of Follower will be intimated in due course of time.
The conduct of the written examination and the syllabus for the AB/UB Group shall be as per clause 13 of the Advertisement Notice dated Shillong the 12th November, 2019, which is available in the Meghalaya Police website
Eligible candidates may download their admit cards from 26/02/2022 for the above-mentioned posts from the Meghalaya Police Website. The candidates are advised to download the Admit Card by using the unique reference number which they have obtained while applying for various posts and D.O.B. The list of the candidates who will appear in the Written Examination, centre -wise, date – wise and shift – wise will be uploaded in Meghalaya Police Website.
Candidates should bring any one of the I.D card (EPIC AADHAAR/ Driving Licence/ PAN Card), own clipboard, blue or black ball pen etc. alongwith the Admit Card for the Written Examination. The candidates are also advised to read the given instructions in the admit card carefully before appearing for the said Written Examination.
In view of the situation posed by the Covid – 19 pandemic, candidates appearing for the Written Examination should produce Final Vaccination Certificate or COVID Negative RT-PCR Report valid for 72 hrs at the time of the Written Examination.
Candidates should report one hour before commencement of the examination.
The given Helpline number can be contacted for any clarifications: Mob. No.- 6033164273.
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