Meghalaya Police declared list of selected candidates for UBSI, Fireman, UBC & others
The Meghalaya Police on Wednesday declared the list of selected candidates for various posts from Sub Inspector to Drivers and Constables amongst others.
According to the official notice, the Central Recruitment Board of Meghalaya Police informed that the selected list is in order of merit approved by the Govermment for appointment to the posts of Unarmed Branch Sub – Inspector (UBSI), Unarmed Branch Constable (UBC), Fireman (FM), Driver Fireman (DFM), MPRO Operator, Armed Branch Constable (ABC), Battalion Constable (BNC), Driver Constable (DC) and Follower.
The selected list is earmarked in the Corrigendum Notice No. PTS/CRB/2019-21/8400, dated Shillong the 02 December, 2022 approved by HPL No. 125/2013/306, dated 28″ November, 2022 in compliance with the High Court Order No. WP(C) No. 394 of 2021, dated 05.04.2022 are published herewith.
The distribution of vacancies for the post of Driver Fireman in the list may reads as UR– 4, K/J – 8, G -9, OST/ OSC – 2 as against UR– 4, K/J – 8, G –11 and OT -2, in view of the insufficient number of suitable candidates from the Garo category qualifying the same. The two seats in the Garo category will be notified in the subsequent Recruitment Process (Reference P&AR (B) Deptt. vide O.M No. PER(AR)25/2022/PU23 dtd. 14.06.2023).
The Selected list of candidates for all the above posts is made available in the Meghalaya Police Website – w.e.f 28 June, 2023.
The selected candidates will be notified in due course regarding place, date and time of
reporting for appointment. The selected candidates are advised to keep their original admit cards, certificates, testimonials in readiness for verification at the time of reporting.
The candidates who remained absent from interview and those who could not produce necessary documents are not included in the merit list.
All candidates are hereby informed that their candidatures are provisional and subject to the outcome of satisfactory police verification report and final medical examination report.
The declaration of result and selection shall not confer any additional right to any person.
Here is a list of selected candidates for various posts:
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