Meghalaya revised entry protocols: Rules to know entry into state

Meghalaya Government on Wednesday revised the protocol for Entry Points for containment of COVID-19 in the state. All persons entering the States sample for RT-PCR testing shall be taken at the entry point on a payment basis.
Persons exiting the State on the same day shall also be tested for RT-PCR and the result shall be communicated to them. On entry, they shall strictly confine to their place of work and exit on the same day.
1. Registration
It is mandatory for all people entering Meghalaya to register themselves prior to their travel at:, and to download the Arogya Setu App and the Behavioural Change Management App of Meghalaya from Google play store.
2. Testing
- RT-PCR Testing at Entry Points is mandatory for all person visiting the State irrespective of any other COVID-negative test reports.
- All Persons entering the States: Sample for RT-PCR testing shall be taken at the entry point on payment basis. Such persons shall proceed to their residence or place of stay and shall undergo home quarantine or paid quarantine for 7 (seven) days from the date of their arrival regardless of their test results.
- Persons exiting the State on the same day shall also be tested for RT-PCR and the result shall be communicated to them. On entry, they shall strictly confine to their place of work and exit on the same day.
3. Exemption from Testing at Entry Points:
- Persons with a valid final certificate of vaccination shall be exempted from testing.
- Government officials / Technical staff / logistics experts who are engaged to perform duties related to projects pertaining to the Health & Family Welfare, Power Department, Telecommunications and other agencies providing essential services to the State as certified by Home (Political) Department, Government of Meghalaya shall be exempted from testing at the Entry Points on production of RAT negative certificate or certificate of full vaccination. However, in case such persons do not possess any of the above-mentioned certificate, they shall be tested by RAT at the entry point. Further, movement of such persons shall be confined to their place of work and they shall strictly adhere to the health protocols.
Note: Persons showing symptoms on arrival at the entry point will have to be mandatorily tested by RT-PCR even if they belong to category (a) and (b) above. Such persons shall proceed to their residence or place of stay and shall undergo home quarantine or paid quarantine for 7 (seven) days from the date of their arrival regardless of their test results. If tested positive, SOP for home or institutional isolation should be followed.
4. Quarantine:
All persons tested by RT-PCR at the entry point should go into 7 (seven) home quarantine or paid quarantine regardless of the test results.
The test results are usually available within 48 hours which shall be communicated through an SMS or can be checked online at If tested positive, SOP for home or institutional isolation should be followed.
- All entrants are to closely monitor their health for 10 days from the date of entry into the State. Upon development of any symptoms of COVID-19, such individuals should self-report to the nearest healthcare facility/ANM/ ASHA worker. They can also report their symptoms on 14410 – State Level COVID helpline. All entrants will be monitored on a regular basis through IVRS calls from the Health Department.
- It is also mandatory that all entrants should diligently follow the three recommended COVID19 Appropriate Behaviour at all times, i.e., wearing mask, maintaining social distancing and practicing hand hygiene.
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