MePDCL to shutdown power supply in West Jaintia Hills

Executive Engineer, Jowai Distribution Division, MePDCL, MF Mawlieh informed that due to urgent O&M works at 132/33 kV Mustem Grid Sub-Station, West Jaintia Hills District there will be no power supply in the district on 24.04.2021 from 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM.
Mawlieh said that power supply will be made to restore at any time on early completion of works.
Areas to be affected include whole of Jowai Town, Nangbah, Ialong and adjoining areas, Sohmynting, Mukhla, Ummulong, Wahiajer, Nartiang upto Khanduli, Mookaiaw, Shangpung, Thangrain and adjoining areas, Amlarem, Dawki and whole of War-Jaintia Areas, etc.
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