Midday Meal Rice released in East Jaintia Hills

The Deputy Commissioner (Supply), East Jaintia Hills District informs the general public that Midday Meal Rice for the Lower Primary School and Upper Primary School under the Midday Meal Scheme for the month of July to December 2020 has been released and the same will be delivered free of cost to the doorstep of the School by the selected Fair Price Shop Dealers.
The Scale of issue is 6.437 kgs per student for Lower Primary School and 9.751 kgs per student for Upper Primary School for 3 (Three) Months that is July, August and September, 2020.
The Scale of issue for Lower Primary School for the month of October and November, 2020 is 3.366 kgs per student and for Upper Primary School the scale of issue is 6.835 kgs per student for 3 (three) Months that is October, November and December, 2020 and the Permit will be issued through the said Fair Price Shop Dealers.
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