Mizoram Police felicitated Indigo’s Executive Security for detection of drugs & live ammunitions

The Mizoram Police on Thursday commended the exemplary efforts of HT Vanlalruati, Executive Security of Indigo Airlines posted at Lengpui airport for her outstanding role in the seizure of a large quantity of Crystal Meth and the detection of live .22 ammunition recently.
Vanlalruati presented with a letter of appreciation and a cash reward Rs. 5000/- by Anil Shukla, IPS, DGP(M) on in the presence of other senior police officers of Mizoram Police.
According to Mizoram Police, on 3rd October this year, at 09:20 AM, Ms. HT Vanlalruati detected 10 packets of suspected Methamphetamine (Crystal Meth) weighing 10.200 kilograms with an estimated value of over Rs. 25,495,000 during the screening of check-in baggage at the Indigo screening point at Lengpui Airport.
Police said the contraband was found in two blue suitcases belonging to women passengers, Lalremthangi (38) and Tinchuaii of Letpanchhawng, Myanmar when they on trying to board an Indigo flight to New Delhi.
Subsequently, a case was registered under Special Narcotic P.S case No.48/2023 Dt 03.10.2023 u/s 22(c) ND&PS Act 1985 / RW 14 A Foreigner Act 1946.
Police said on October 9 this year at 01:00 PM, she detected one live .22 ammunition in the check-in baggage of a passenger, William (35) of Churchandpur, Manipur, who intends to travel on Indigo flight to Guwahati.
It is noteworthy that Mr. William did not possess a valid license to carry ammunition, police added.
The culprit and the detected article were handed over to Sairang Police, leading to the registration of Sairang P.S case No.46/2023 Dt 09.10.23 u/s 25(1-B) (a) Arms Act.
The Mizoram Police emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts between law enforcement agencies and other stakeholders, including private sector employees like HT Vanlalruati, in combating criminal activities and ensuring public safety.
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