MLCU organises ‘First Aid in Tourism’ Workshop

JOWAI: The Department of Tourism and Travel Management, Martin Luther Christian University in collaboration with the Department of Allied Health Sciences conducted a workshop on ‘First Aid in Tourism’ on May 28 and 29, 2019. The program was attended by the students of the department as well as the students and faculties from ICFAI University and Lady Keane College Shillong.

The main objective of the workshop is to acquaint the participants with the correct methods of administering first aid and handling medical emergencies that often occur in touring and travelling.

Gregory Alya Warjri, founder, NOMADS, an adventure tour operation group in Shillong, started the workshop by narrating his own experience as a tour operator. He stressed on the importance of safety and proper first aid knowledge. He also gave the participants tips on how they can ensure their safety when they go outdoors on treks, kayaking and other activities. He also gave tips on the proper and safe ways of handling emergencies and rescuing people in need.This was followed by a session with the faculties of AHS Department who acquainted the participants with the right methods of administering medical assistance in injuries and emergency situations. The sessions were accompanied by demonstrations on bandaging, application of splint and performing of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Demonstrations were also given on correct ways of helping victims of choking, burns, sprains, dislocations, convulsions, animal bites and stings. The students had hands on learning on what has been demonstrated in the sessions in that all the demonstrations were carried out on life-sized dummies with proper equipment.
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