MPMC question MDA govt’s silence on illegal coal transportation

The Meghalaya Pradesh Mahila Congress has questioned the silence of the NPP led alliance on the open-ended violation of the National Green Tribunal order pertaining to the continuous illegal coal transportation and especially the blatant violation of the environment by illegal coke plants that have come up across the Jaintia Hills and West Khasi Hills district.
“It is an open public secret that coal is mined illegally with the knowledge of top political leadership and officials right to the lowest level in the current administrative machinery of the present state government, how long will the law be abused and misused by such people is just a matter of time that will blow up on their faces”, stated Joplin S Shylla , President Meghalaya Pradesh Mahila Congress.
Highlighting upon the media reports both in the print media and social media networks that such coke plants wouldn’t have come out without the connivance of officials in the Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board and in the district administration who without verification gave the ‘green signal’, which shows that such crimes would not have gone unnoticed without the high level knowledge.
She stated that inspite of the East Jaintia Hills Deputy Commissioner’s order to close all such illegal coke plant in the district, it seems these coke plant operators don’t bother the DC’s order.

The Mahila Congress questioned the role of the East Jaintia Hills Deputy Commissioner in not being able to put a complete stop to such illegal violation of the environment and public health.
Citing an example of how Star Cement Pvt. Limited got an endorsement from the Union Government because the Chief Minister of the state misled and kept on denying the facts until civil society pressure groups spilled the beans that the ‘Go ahead’ came from the Chief Minister’s Office to allow Star Cement to acquire and mine the area around Brichyrnot which lies under the environmental fragile zone.
“How would a company like Star Cement get an environmental clearance inspite of the fact that Narpuh Forest Reserve and other catchment areas would face a grave environmental threat?” the Mahila Congress President asked.
Adding on the same line the Mahila Congress asked for the MDA Government to come out with a public clarification in the press and not to circumvent the law to serve his party’s interests or the interests of the coalition partners who have been silent on this matter.
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