MPSC seeks general consent of MCS candidates for disclosure of their marks in public domain

The Meghalaya Public Service Commission (MPSC) has decided to seek the general consent of candidates of the Meghalaya Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination for disclosure of their marks in public domain.
A public notice issued by the MPSC Chief Controller of Examination on Tuesday (August 6) said, “On receiving requests for publishing of marks in public domain from several quarters and the need to protect the right of privacy of individual candidates of the Meghalaya Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination; The Meghalaya Public Service Commission (as a one-time, special case) is seeking general consent of candidates with regard to disclosure of their marks in public domain.
Candidates who wish to declare their marks in public domain are advised to furnish their consent in the given link”
The notice said that the link will remain open from August 7 (12 noon) to August 16 (5pm).
Marks of candidates who refuse consent in the given link (marking ‘NO’) and who do not explicitly grant consent by not filling up form will not be published, it said while adding that irrespective of the public disclosure, all candidates (including those whose marks are not published) will be permitted to view their personal marks by an OTP based system. This is being done to safeguard the privacy of the candidate.
It also said no further communication in this regard will be entertained.
The notce further stated that the Commission’s decision vide letter dated March 7, 2024 stands.
Last week, the Khasi Students’ Union (KSU) had staged a sit-in-demonstration demanding transparency in the recruitment process by disclosing marks of all candidates appearing for the MCS preliminary examination. The Union had also appealed to all candidates to join the fight against alleged corruption in the Commission by giving their consent to publish their marks in public domain
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