Nartiang’s Temple immersed eco friendly Goddess Durga
Emphasizing on the importance of the use of eco friendly materials, the ancestral Durga Mandir, Nartiang Village in West Jaintia Hills District immersed the Goddess Durga depicted in the forms of decked up plantain tree at River Myntang, Nartiang on Friday afternoon.
Earlier before the immersion which was attended by 300 Hindu devotees, 98 goats were sacrificed by first Pnar Pandit Oni Maskut Deshmukh in Durga Mandir and Shiv Mandir, Nartiang.

Later in the evening, around 100 of devotees part take and perform shad mastieh which was followed by rituals.

The Durga Puja in Nartiang attract many faithfuls from far flung and Shillong to visit the heritage Mandir and Nartiang Monolith which was decorated beautifully with lighting.

While, in Jowai the district headquarter, the immersion of Goddess Durga was immersed at River Myntdu, near Syntu Ksiar without polluting the water bodies.

The Durga Puja festival culminated peacefully in Dawki along Indo-Bangladesh Border where the Goddess Durga was immersed in River Umngot with all dignity and rituality.
In East Jaintia Hills District, there were as many as 10 places namely Ladrymbai, Umpleng, Sookilo, Khliehriat East and in campus of Cement Plants, Lumshnong where Durga Puja was celebrated by the Hindu faithful peacefully with strict adhering to COVID-19’s protocol.
In Shillong 47 Goddess Durga was immersed at Umkhrah River without compromising the traditional rituals in 4 days with strict adhering to COVID-19’s protocol.

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