NEC sanctions ₹5 Crore to Assam to tackle COVID-19 outbreak
Dr. Jitendra Singh, Minister of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER) held detailed review meeting on 27/03/2020 through Video Conferencing. The meeting was attended by officers of Ministry of DoNER and North Eastern Council (NEC). The meeting among others deliberated in length the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and measures being taken to meet the challenges arising out of it in the North Eastern Region.
In the meeting it was decided that DoNER/NEC will provide support of ₹25 Crore to the North Eastern States in support of their efforts to fight the outbreak. Minister, DoNER shared that concerted efforts is already happening and all efforts will be made to ensure that the North East States are supported in this hour of need, particularly related to medical needs and essential commodities.
Accordingly on 03/04/2020, NEC has released ₹5 Crore, being the normative share, to the Government of Assam to fight the COVID-19 outbreak effectively. This release is in the nature of an untied fund, which can be utilized as gap funding on activities relating to COVID-19 Pandemic not covered under existing Central packages.
The flexibility of untied funds would enable the State to respond effectively in a timely manner as per the situation on the ground. This release would be in addition to the funds otherwise allocated by the Ministry of DoNER/NEC to the State of Assam under existing schemes. The present primary focus of both Central and State Government is to effectively deal with the serious threat posed by COVID-19 and ensure that it is brought under control with the active participation of the whole Society

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