NEIGRIHMS closed after Patient tested COVID-19 positive after undergoing five days treatment

In a worst case scenario in the ongoing fight against the pandemic COVID-19, the North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical Science (NEIGRIHMS) which is the only multi super-specialties Hospital in the State of Meghalaya has to go for immediate closed down for decontamination after one of the indoor patients was tested positive after undergoing treatment for five long days.
According to NEIGRIHMS Director Dr. P Bhattacharryya, one patient who is a resident of the Border Security Force (BSF), Umpling, Shillong had RT-PCR for COVID (Corona Virus Disease)-19 test done on the 1″ of July, last, which was negative and was subsequently admitted in the Orthopedics ward (non-COVID Ward) on the 4th of July, last based on his recent report.
He however developed fever during his period of treatment in the Hospital and on Thursday a repeat RT-PCR was done and unfortunately was positive, he added.
“The patient has had an extensive contact footprint in the hospital. Due to this the hospital needs to be decontaminated and internal contact tracing is to be undertaken,” the NEIGRIHMS director informed.
This being a major exercise, the NEIGRIHMs hospital services including OPD and emergency services will be closed till further orders. The indoor patient care services, however, will remain operational, he also said in a press release. The state health authorities have been informed of the same.
Further, the Medical Superintendent NEIGRIHMS has declared the following areas of the Hospital under containment for Covid-19:
1. Orthopedics Ward (Former Male Surgical Ward, Ground Floor)
2. Radiology Department (Ground Floor)
3. Cardiology OPD, ECG Lab (First Floor)
4. Anesthesia OPD and PAC Area (First Floor)
5. ICTC Lab Area (First Floor)
The Meghalaya Government needs to gear up the Emergency Ward of Civil Hospital Shillong as poor people might not be able to afford in other private hospitals to handle any eventuality due to accident or serious illness in view of the closure of the Emergency Ward and OPD wards of NEIGRIHMS, said a group of informed citizens.
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